Inflammation and diabetes

Today I’m going to discuss how inflammation might be a cause for type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes is generally considered to be the results of being overweight and from eating too much sugar which makes the cells resistant to the effects of insulin.

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Inflammation and cancer

Today I’m going to discuss how inflammation may be a cause for cancer. A growing number of cancer researchers are coming to the conclusion that cancer is basically an inflammatory disease and that the longer there is inflammation present in a tissue or an organ, the higher the risk of associated carcinogenesis.

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Inflammation and blood pressure

Today I’m going to discuss how what Dr Barry Sears calls “silent inflammation” can contribute not only to heart disease but also to high blood pressure or what is sometimes referred to as hypertension. Now, hypertension is somewhat of a unique disease as there aren’t any noticeable symptoms in the early stages, so it’s a … Read more

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Silent killer – inflammation and heart disease

Yesterday I told you about two different types of inflammation – classic inflammation, the type of inflammation that happens when you stub your toe or get a splinter in your finger and silent inflammation that results from chronic low level damage to cells. Today I’m going to tell you how this low level inflammation can … Read more

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Silent killer – Inflammation

This week I’m going to tell you about a process in the body that is now believed by medical experts to be involved in all known disease processes from heart disease to cancer to Alzheimer’s disease – inflammation. Most of you will have experienced inflammation before. Have you ever got a splinter in your finger? … Read more

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Get better sleep

Sleeping disorders are fast becoming a major problem for the British population. One in twenty of us suffer from excessive daytime drowsiness caused by poor sleep that is believed to be responsible for 1 in 5 motorway accidents. One in 50 British adults are on prescribed medicine to help with sleep, and there are probably … Read more

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Public health information

A recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health demonstrated how diet, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors for chronic disease contribute to deaths in the USA. Although these are statistics from the USA they will correlate to how diet, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors for chronic disease contribute to deaths in the UK.

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